Unwanted stress factors in cannabis

- Categories : Culture , Seeds and varieties

Today I would like to go back a bit and, as I said in a previous article, see in depth what stressors negatively influence and how we can get rid of these problems, in order to ensure that when germinate a marijuana seed we have the best guarantees of its full development and, above all, make sure that hermaphroditism problems do not appear. We will see each of these factors in detail in order to make clear the points that today we do not think could be problematic and they do not stop being so due to the passing of the years, or due to the use of other materials. Finally we will see the differentiation between hermaphroditism and the so-called bananas , in order to identify it with total clarity.

Light Stress

The light stress that can be giving to the plants to a greater or lesser degree can be produced by several factors such as, for example, changes in unwanted photoperiods or that we do not take into account. It can also be due to malfunction of the timer , and there may be failures such as time delays or unwanted start-ups. To ensure that these failures do not exist in our cultivation, we must review the operation at all times, and especially the first days of each time change. Another case in which light stress may be occurring is having light interruptions , due to not using the appropriate bulb for the equipment we are using or due to equipment failures (ballast, wiring or connections). We should also take into account unwanted light points that may be affecting the crop, such as, for example, the typical LEDs of the timer itself or the lights that devices such as air conditioners may have. We should make sure to cover all these small points of light that may be reflecting on the plants throughout the night, which can cause stress in our marijuana plants.

Water Stress

This is one of the biggest mistakes we can make if we are growing cannabis seeds. Cannabis, like all living beings, needs water for its perfect development. The higher the water quality the better will be the results with which we will finish our crops. As water quality we understand clean water free of microorganisms. For this we have reverse osmosis equipment , which have the function of filtering tap water and converting it into water free of dissolved salts (E.C 0.0). The points of water stress that we must take into account are, for example, lack of water in any phase of our cultivation and excess water . These are points to take into account when we grow cannabis since they can influence the appearance of stress. The temperature of the water that we use is very important and I think it is one of the points that I have seen the most when it comes to cultivating. The ideal temperature is between 20º and 22º C and from there, both up and down, we will be touching more or less the stress levels for our plants. Imagine in winter, if we used a water that has been in a tank after passing through the osmosis filter, unless we have a heater that we can put in the tank for a while before starting the watering task, we would have problems cooling our root system too much, and we would slow down the normal growth of our plantas.El mismo caso sería usando agua demasiado caliente. Siempre es recomendable no pasar los parámetros de temperatura del agua antes indicados (20º-22ºC).

Estrés ambiental

Este tipo de estrés del que hablaremos a continuación es el estrés ambiental. En la mayoría de los casos viene producido por cambios de temperatura. Debemos recordar que los niveles adecuados de temperatura ambiental de una sala de cultivo debe rondar los (22º-24ºC). Sobrepasar o no llegar a dicha temperatura es un fallo que se repite en muchos cultivos que no disponen de aires acondicionados y calefactores para ajustar en todo momento las temperaturas tanto diurnas como nocturnas. Por ejemplo, si tenemos una temperatura de 22º con las lámparas encendidas, veremos como esa temperatura se verá rebajada drásticamente una vez termine la fase horaria en la que tenemos las luces encendidas. Para mayor seguridad de no estar cayendo en este tipo de fallo podremos usar “fan controler”, aparatos con los que centralizaremos todos nuestros ventiladores, extractores, intractores e incluso el calefactor. Desde este aparato podremos controlar la potencia y el encendido de cada uno de los aparatos anteriormente citados. Tanto con temperaturas superiores o inferiores estaremos afectando en mayor o menor medida a nuestras plantas, cosa que afectará sin lugar a dudas a la calidad de nuestro cultivo. Como factores ambientales también reconocemos a las plagas que acechan a nuestras queridas plantas de marihuana, cosa que está muy relacionada con la temperatura y humedad que tengamos en nuestra zona de cultivo. A mayor temperatura, mayor será el riesgo de padecer plagas como la araña roja o los ácaros. Si la humedad relativa de nuestra zona de cultivo es alta, entramos en riesgo de padecer enfermedades tipo oídio o botritis, incluso podemos ver como con humedades cercanas al 80% sería imposible realizar la floración de nuestras plantas sin pasar por alguno o varios de estos problemas.

Estrés por Alimentación

Podemos ver como tanto un régimen alto o muy bajo de nutrientes, puede afectar en todo momento a nuestro cultivo. El primer pensamiento al empezar a cultivar semillas de cannabis, muchas veces es el de que más será mejor. Con los años vamos viendo que cada nutriente se debe usar en su momento adecuado y en su medida idónea. Un ejemplo sería el uso de agua de pozo que ya dispone de una carga de sales muy elevada, si le añadimos la cantidad de fertilizante que nos indica el fabricante estaremos subiendo la carga de sales (Ec) a un nivel que la planta no le es recomendable y podemos llegar a estresarla sin darnos cuenta. Un suelo pobre o demasiado duro también sería motivo de estrés para las plantas. Pensad que el sistema radicular de la marihuana es muy vago, por ese motivo se recomienda usar siempre tierras especialmente preparadas para las plantas de marihuana, ya que sus niveles de pH y Ec vienen ajustados especialmente para estas plantas.

Other problems that can cause stress

A late harvest may be the reason for bananas to appear in our flowers, since each variety has its optimum point of maturation and not by giving more days of flowering we will see the increased harvest. Rather we will see how the flowers stretch increasing the calyxes in the form of towers. changes in light spectra that are not adequate at each moment of cultivation can also be a reason for the plant to be affected by stress. Remember that the use of blue spectrum light is used for growth and orange spectrum light is used for flowering.

Difference between hermaphroditism and "Bananas" or banana

To clearly differentiate the traits of hermaphroditism or bananas we should start with the way that differentiates them. The bananas or banana trees are those formations that resemble two horns, and that are normally yellow in color. We do not see that these bananas affect our cultivation, we could only say that they spoil the flowers and denote that the cultivation has not been 100% optimal. Hermaphroditic traits are the male flowers of cannabis that appear to a greater or lesser extent among the female flowers. We see how most of the time they can be located in the lower part of the lower flowers of our plants. These flowers may or may not be fertile, with that we will see if it has affected any flower by forming seeds inside. In any case, it is necessary to differentiate between isolated flowers (stress) or 50% formation of flowers of two sexes (hermaphroditism). So far one more week, greetings to all readers and thank you.
