Rosin Tech part 2, the evolution of the technique

In this article we will see how the Rosin technique has evolved of which we have spoken to you previously. In just a few months, the market has been revolutionized in terms of machinery for its production and research related to this technique has progressed.

Specific machinery that we can currently find

Today, we find specific machinery on the market for the production of our own Rosin, although they are not available to everyone given their high price . But it must also be said that the price has fallen in relation to the first machines that went on the market. We can also see how they have released the so-called "tea bags " due to their similar shape to said article. These can be found in different micron sizes, from 25 microns to 150 microns. This variation in sizes is due to the use that we will give to the bags. The lowest micron size (25u-45u) will be used for making from hash, and the highest micron size bag (73u120u) will be used with buds. With the use of the mesh in buds we can see how there are no impurities in the final sample, seeing a cleaner product of plant parts that could remain attached when carrying out the extraction without the use of the mesh. < / p>

Maximum pressure to obtain a good return

In many conversations with our users about this technique they have told me that the return or percentage obtained is not very high with the use of flowers (buds) and we almost always come to the conclusion that is the lack of pressure which makes them have a low return . We should always help ourselves with an instrument or machinery to exert the maximum possible pressure, since we see that only exerting the pressure of our weight on the hair straightener is not enough to extract the maximum of resin at once. With the use of specific machinery this problem would be solved but, if we do not have this machinery, my recommendation is the use of adjustable pressure clamps or the use of a working screw < / strong>. In the case of using the working screw, in Ripper Seeds we always recommend working at lower temperatures (80º-100º), given that the time we need to exert the greatest pressure is longer. If we used a higher temperature, we could destroy a large part of the terpenes, responsible for giving all the characteristic smell to our extraction.

New textures

We can see how progress has been made in terms of textures very quickly, since now we can find from the most brittle shatter, to the clearest budder and completely dry texture. All this is due to the research that some people are carrying out in the United States and that little by little, they are coming to our hands, being able to advance by leaps and bounds in terms of this technique. In my opinion, to achieve a change of textures we only have to take into account the state of the trichomes that we are going to use in the realization of our extraction. The drier the material is, therefore the more oxidation the trichomes have, the greater the chance of achieving a stable shatter texture. With just a small blow we will see how it breaks, as if it were a glass. We must also remember that less dry materials can be used. After 10 days of drying, we see how the extraction is almost impossible to collect with a dabber and we must resort to cooling the rosin for its subsequent collection. This factor seems to be closely related to the essential oils that the plant may contain at that time. I find it very interesting that we can stop the heating of the resin once we remove the greaseproof paper from the plate , in order not to overheat a resin that has already been extracted. We could stop this overheating by putting the extraction in a non-frost refrigerator for a few seconds. Remember that this will not be the last time we talk about this way of performing extractions, since the level of these will progress and we just have to let time pass to see how far we can go. So far, one more week thanks to all the readers and greetings to everyone.

Jhonny Pot.