MICRO MITES: What to do to avoid and eliminate them

- Categories : Plagues and diseases

In a previous article we have seen how spider mites and spider mites can affect our marijuana plant . In this week's post, we would like to delve into micro-mites (Phytonemus Pallidus or Steneotarsonemus Pallidus) or the so-called vine mite (Calepitrimerus vitis) -which above all affects vineyard crops- because they are one of the most complicated pests that we can find. These mites especially proliferate in hot months, so we would like to guide you with some preventive measures and different solutions to get rid of them. To start with some basic differences depending on the type of mite:

  • The spider mite is like the big sister of the mite family. We could detect it with a pocket microscope, as well as the mites that can measure around 1mm.
  • On the other hand, the micro-mites are almost invisible , they can measure about 0.2 mm and that endangers our plant, because if we do not realize it soon, in a few days they can multiply and reproduce at a resounding speed, becoming a really harmful pest for our marijuana plant.

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Clean and disinfected culture

Before starting any cultivation, we recommend thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting our cultivation area to avoid that eggs may have remained of any ier type. The land should also be clean. The eggs can overwinter in the soil until they hatch, therefore, if the plant has been infected that season by any type of mite, it would not be advisable to reuse that soil for a new plant as there will surely be multiple eggs beyond the reach of our sight that they stay and remain until the next season.

How do I know if I have micro mites or grapevine mite?

Visible effects of micro-mites on our cannabis plant

As we mentioned in the previous article about red spider mites and mites, the symptoms that we can detect if we have micro-mites are similar and we must give it importance because it will be the only way that We will have to detect if we are suffering from a micro-mite plague in our marijuana plant:

  • Deformations in the sheets
  • Whitish spots
  • Rusting of brown flowers and pistils
  • Plant growth stop

How to eliminate the pest in a biological way

To eliminate the micro-mite plague, you can follow any of the formulas that we expose you below:

  • Mix of potassium soap + Horticultural oil

The first option that we could consider more logical to solve a pest, is the biological and most natural option that we have within our reach to avoid be very aggressive with the plant, and even with ourselves. This mixture works for us as a natural insecticide that we must use to spray and fumigate all over the plant. Most insects and, therefore, mites tend to concentrate on the back or bottom of the plants. leaves, so we will try to spray notably in those areas. You can also combine a mixture of potassium soap with pyrethrins.

  • Neem Oil

It is a very easy to use product and you can find it at any grow shop . You mix it according to the instructions and put it in your sprayer. If you have an abundant plague in your marijuana plant, you can even spray with Neem oil every day but also try to compensate and take care of the plant with other types of nutrients so that it is not so punished. Avoid spraying it on your buds because it has a strong smell and taste. We do not have to wait until we have the plague on us, the oil is usually applied as a preventive measure in marijuana crops.

  • Organic insecticides

You can ask at your trusted grow shop and they will be able to guide you with various models and brands. Some need to be applied every day, others every 8 hours, etc. So you can check the option that suits you best according to the time you can dedicate.

  • Natural predators

The most common is Amblyseius (californicus; A. stipulatus), and then you can find other types such as: Typhlodromus (pyri, T. phialatus), Phytoseiulus (persimilis ), Euseiulus (scutalis), Kampimodromus (aberrans), etc.

Recommendations to take into account

  • Wear a mask and gloves . Yes, although it is a biological treatment and remedy, it does not hurt to protect your skin and avoid inhaling the compounds.
  • Chlorine-free water to prepare the mixture. In this way, we will be more sure that the chlorine does not interfere with the other components and that the mixture has a good result.

How to eliminate the pest in a chemical way

If the first option falls short, we can go to chemical pesticides or insecticides with compounds designed to eradicate these types of pests, Among which we could highlight:

  • Abamectin . It is an acaricide often used to eradicate mite pests. It is concentrated and very effective. By ingesting this component, the mite is paralyzed. It does not feed, it does not lay eggs and its entire nervous system is affected. In the short term they die effectively. It does not act on the egg so we must not lower our guard and continue spraying to kill the eggs that have hatched.
  • Acaricides, ovicides . There are several types of acaricides and ovicides with pyrethroids, fernasol, etc. that they could recommend in your grow shop according to the conditions of your pest.

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Recommendations to take into account:

  • Use a mask and gloves according to the product . Put on gloves from the moment you are preparing any mixture and to fumigate, use the mask.
  • Chlorine-free water as we mentioned before, that the water we use is clean of chlorine so that it does not interfere with the mix and does its function correctly.
  • DO NOT spray in the flowering phase. This type of product can be used in the flowering phase. of growth and at most in the first week of flowering, never when the flowers are already growing and maturing since beyond here we risk that chemical remains remain in our cannabis plant.

Sometimes it is difficult to detect what type of mite may be attacking your plant. For this reason, we recommend that you also consult our previous article on red spider mites and other mites to have more information about it and have more options at your fingertips to eliminate the plague in your marijuana plant.