Biological cultivation of marijuana seeds. Cultivation methods, part 1

- Categories : Jhonny_Pot

When we talk about ways to grow marijuana seeds and different methods, my opinion is clear: biological, always. My biggest preference is the particular flavor of each cannabis strain and that can only be achieved with soil cultivation and using “Bio” fertilizers. In this way, our cultivation can safely give us the highest taste and odor index in our cannabis plants.

Emulating nature, organic farming

In organic farming, the main foundation is the sustainability of all the elements of the environment. The symbiosis of all these elements, be they animals, plants or the environment, makes them connect without altering the rhythm of each other and helping each other to follow a natural growth rhythm. In cannabis cultivation we cannot always emulate nature 100%, and much less if we grow indoors. That is not why we will have to resort to chemical fertilizers and insecticides , since we have in the current market a large number of brands that offer us “bio” products, although not all brands that use the word “ bio ”in their products they are offering a 100% organic product. Something very important and that I would like to make clear is that in biological crops, plants are not fed, but we have to feed the soil microorganisms that will be responsible for feeding the plants in a more digestible way. The use of Mycorrhizae and Trichodermas in all phases of cultivation is one of the basic pillars if we want to make a biological culture. These will be responsible for regulating the micro-life of the soil and with this we will see increased resistance of the plant against adverse agents . It must be taken into account that only by observing our plants on a daily basis and paying maximum attention to their physical and genetic traits, we can determine their needs at all times.

Nitrogen fixers in nature

We find bacteria responsible for fixing nitrogen in the soil. We can classify them into two large groups:

  • symbiotic , specifically legumes such as Rhizobium.
  • And the free , which live in the soil and do not need the plant for their reproduction.

In outdoor crops we can anticipate the sowing of our cannabis plants and put green beans in the same place. With this we will see reduced spending on nitrogen fertilizers , since the soil bacteria contributed by the beans will be responsible for fixing the environmental nitrogen in our cultivation soil. In my opinion there is no better way to give nitrogen naturally to our plants , and if by the way we can collect a good bag of green beans, all the better. In future publications we will see how to prepare our fertilizers and how we use them.
