Types of pruning for our marijuana plants

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In this post I would like to talk about the types of pruning that we can apply to our marijuana plants. We will see how the techniques of LST, Suppercropping, bass pruning, apical pruning are performed and, finally, I will mention the so-called FIM pruning. Each plant will better adapt to a type of pruning and it will be the decision of each grower to choose the one that best suits both their growing space and the demands of their plants, without forgetting that all types of pruning or cutting that we will perform Our plant should be always with previously sterilized material (Cleaning with alcohol).

Pruning Lst (Low Stress Training)

LST is the acronym for what we know as low stress braiding. This pruning technique for marijuana plants basically consists of tying the branches to redirect them towards the direction that suits us best at all times. In this way, we will leave the other branches to take their place, achieving a more leafy growth and increasing the production of flowers in each plant. We must bear in mind that not all strings will be useful. It is recommended that the rope we use does not damage the stem of the plant. This way of dominating the vegetation of our plants can be very recurrent in crops that must be the most discreet , since we can make our plant pass a large part of the growth phase horizontally.


This technique could not be considered a pruning by itself, but with it we will manage or slow down the growth of our marijuana plants, according to the needs of each moment. Suppercropping consists of choosing the part of the plant whose growth we want to slow down and, very carefully, we will place the part of the trunk between our fingers, proceeding to twist and tighten until we feel a slight click . At first it may seem that this technique is very aggressive, but you will see how that stem that is now less erect, the next day it will have recovered creating a small callus and leaving the branches below it to grow more vigorously. This procedure can be carried out both in growth and in early flowering. In the final phase of flowering we will no longer be able to redirect any type of growth, since the plants will be focused on the maturation of the flowers.

Pruning of lower parts

The pruning of lower parts is one of the techniques most used by all indoor growers , since if we do not apply it, the production is drastically reduced and we see a large part of the harvest becomes small-flowered. If we don't want to suffer from this problem, the solution is to prune the lower parts. A good low pruning will consist of removing 5 to 8 lower branches , depending on the size of the marijuana plants we are growing, and during the beginning of the flowering phase, before reaching 20 days of flowering. With this we will achieve that the flowers that have already been formed begin to gain more strength, increasing their size considerably.

Apical pruning

The apical pruning is one of the best known by most growers, since it was one of the first to become known, perhaps, for the final result of obtaining two "central" bud formations in one same plant . This technique mainly consists of cutting the upper part of the plant stem, between the first and second stages, leaving the two young shoots that we find in each stage of the plant uncut. These two buds will begin to increase their growth in a few days and with this we will see increased production of flowers in our marijuana plants. This type of pruning is recommended to be done in the growth phase, since this will allow time for the two shoots to begin to acquire a considerable size.

Pruning FIM (Fuck I Missed)

This technique was discovered by accident when its creator tried to do a topping and left a small part of the top knot. After a few days he saw how several new shoots were created from which new branches grew. Carrying out the FIM pruning is simple, we only have to cut at an angle 80% of the upper node of our cannabis plant (similar to aplical pruning). If we have made the cut properly, in just a few days, we can see how those new shoots begin to emerge. This time, as a novelty, I would like to ask all readers a question that you can answer in a comment on the blog. Which of these pruning do you think is the most positive? One more week thank you for your reading and very good smoke to all.
